Constitution of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe
MCT Constitution
We, the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, consisting of the Chippewa Indians of the White Earth, Leech Lake, Fond du Lac, Bois Forte (Nett Lake), and Grand Portage Reservations and the Nonremoval Mille Lac Band of Chippewa Indians, in order to form a representative Chippewa tribal organization, maintain and establish justice for our Tribe, and to conserve and develop our tribal resources and common property; to promote the general welfare of ourselves and descendants, do establish and adopt this constitution for the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota in accordance with such privilege granted the Indians by the United States under existing law.
Article I – Organization and Purpose
Section 1. The Minnesota Chippewa Tribe is hereby organized under Section 16 of the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984), as amended.
Sec. 2. The name of this tribal organization shall be the “Minnesota Chippewa Tribe.”
Sec. 3. The purpose and function of this organization shall be to conserve and develop tribal resources and to promote the conservation and development of individual Indian trust property; to promote the general welfare of the members of the Tribe; to preserve and maintain justice for its members and otherwise exercise all powers granted and provided the Indians, and take advantage of the privileges afforded by the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984) and acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, and all the purposes expressed in the preamble hereof.
Sec. 4. The Tribe shall cooperate with the United States in its program of economic and social development of the Tribe or in any matters tending to promote the welfare of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe of Indians.
Article II – Membership
Section 1. The membership of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe shall consist of the following:
- Basic Membership Roll. All persons of Minnesota Chippewa Indian blood whose names appear on the annuity roll of April 14, 1941, prepared pursuant to the Treaty with said Indians as enacted by Congress in the Act of January 14, 1889 (25 Stat. 642) and Acts amendatory thereof, and as corrected by the Tribal Executive Committee and ratified by the Tribal Delegates, which roll shall be known as the basic membership roll of the Tribe.
- All children of Minnesota Chippewa Indian blood born between April 14, 1941, the date of the annuity roll, and July 3, 1961, the date of approval of the membership ordinance by the Area Director, to a parent or parents, either or both of whose names appear on the basic membership roll, provided an application for enrollment was filed with the Secretary of the Tribal Delegates by July 4, 1962, one year after the date of approval of the ordinance by the Area Director.
- All children of at least one quarter (1/4) degree Minnesota Chippewa Indian blood born after July 3, 1961, to a member, provided that an application for enrollment was or is filed with the Secretary of the Tribal Delegates or the Tribal Executive Committee within one year after the date of birth of such children.
Sec. 2. No person born after July 3, 1961, shall be eligible for enrollment if enrolled as a member of another tribe, or if not an American citizen.
Sec. 3. Any person of Minnesota Chippewa Indian blood who meets the membership requirements of the Tribe, but who because of an error has not been enrolled, may be admitted to membership in the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe by adoption, if such adoption is approved by the Tribal Executive Committee, and shall have full membership privileges from the date the adoption is approved.
Sec. 4. Any person who has been rejected for enrollment as a member of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe shall have the right of appeal within sixty days from the date of written notice of rejection to the Secretary of the Interior from the decision of the Tribal Executive Committee and the decision of the Secretary of Interior shall be final.
Sec. 5. Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to deprive any descendant of a Minnesota Chippewa Indian of the right to participate in any benefits derived from claims against the U.S. Government when awards are made for and on behalf and for the benefit of descendants of members of said tribe.
Article III – Governing Body
The governing bodies of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe shall be the Tribal Executive Committee and the Reservation Business Committees of the White Earth, Leech Lake, Fond du Lac, Bois Forte (Nett Lake), and Grand Portage Reservations, and the Nonremoval Mille Lac Band of Chippewa Indians, hereinafter referred to as the six (6) Reservations.
Section 1. Tribal Executive Committee. The Tribal Executive Committee shall be composed of the Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer of each of the six (6) Reservation Business Committees elected in accordance with Article IV. The Tribal Executive Committee shall, at its first meeting, select from within the group a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer who shall continue in office for the period of two (2) years or until their successors are elected and seated.
Sec. 2. Reservation Business Committee. Each of the six (6) Reservations shall elect a Reservation Business Committee composed of not more than five (5) members nor less than three (3) members. The Reservation Business Committee shall be composed of a Chairman, Secretary-Treasurer, and one (1), two (2), or three (3) Committeemen. The candidates shall file for their respective offices and shall hold their office during the term for which they were elected or until their successors are elected and seated.
Article IV – Tribal Elections
Section 1. Right to Vote. All elections held on the six (6) Reservations shall be held in accordance with a uniform election ordinance to be adopted by the Tribal Executive Committee which shall provide that:
- All members of the tribe, eighteen (18) years of age or over, shall have the right to vote at all elections held within the reservation of their enrollment.1
- All elections shall provide for absentee ballots and secret ballot voting.
- Each Reservation Business Committee shall be the sole judge of the qualifications of its voters.
- The precincts, polling places, election boards, time for opening and closing the polls, canvassing the vote and all pertinent details shall be clearly described in the ordinance.
Sec. 2. Candidates. A candidate for Chairman, Secretary-Treasurer and Committeeman must be an enrolled member of the Tribe and reside on the reservation of his or her enrollment for one year before the date of election.2 No member of the Tribe shall be eligible to hold office, either as a Committeeman or Officer, until he or she has reached his or her twenty-first (21) birthday on or before the date of election.3
Sec. 3. Term of Office.
- The first election of the Reservation Business Committee for the six (6) Reservations shall be called and held within ninety (90) days after the date on which these amendments became effective in accordance with Section 1, of this Article.
- For the purpose of the first election, the Chairman and one (1) Committeeman shall be elected for a four-year term. The Secretary-Treasurer and any remaining Committeemen shall be elected for a twoyear term. Thereafter, the term of office for officers and committeemen shall be four (4) years. For the purpose of the first election, the Committeeman receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected for a four-year term.
Sec. 4. No member of the Tribe shall be eligible to hold office, either as a Committeeman or Officer, if he or she has ever been convicted of a felony of any kind; or of a lesser crime involving theft, misappropriation, or embezzlement of money, funds, assets, or property of an Indian tribe or a tribal organization.4
Article V – Authorities of the Tribal Executive Committee
Section 1. The Tribal Executive Committee shall, in accordance with applicable laws or regulations of the Department of the Interior, have the following powers:
- To employ legal counsel for the protection and advancement of the rights of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe; the choice of counsel and fixing of fees to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, or his authorized representative. 1As amended per Amendment I, approved by the Secretary of the Interior on November 6, 1972. 2As amended per Amendment III, approved by the Secretary of the Interior on January 5, 2006. 3As amended per Amendment II, approved by the Secretary of the Interior on November 6, 1972. 4As amended per Amendment IV, approved by the Secretary of the Interior on January 5, 2006.
- To prevent any sale, disposition, lease or encumbrance of tribal lands, interest in lands, or other assets including minerals, gas and oil.
- To advise with the Secretary of the Interior with regard to all appropriation estimates or Federal projects for the benefit of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, except where such appropriation estimates or projects are for the benefit of individual Reservations.
- To administer any funds within the control of the Tribe; to make expenditures from tribal funds for salaries, expenses of tribal officials, employment or other tribal purposes. The Tribal Executive Committee shall apportion all funds within its control to the various Reservations excepting funds necessary to support the authorized costs of the Tribal Executive Committee. All expenditures of tribal funds, under the control of the Tribal Executive Committee, shall be in accordance with a budget, duly approved by resolution in legal session, and the amounts so expended shall be a matter of public record at all reasonable times. The Tribal Executive Committee shall prepare annual budgets, requesting advancements to the control of the Tribe of any money deposited to the credit of the Tribe in the United States Treasury, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior or his authorized representative.
- To consult, negotiate, contract and conclude agreements on behalf of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe with Federal, State and local governments or private persons or organizations on all matters within the powers of the Tribal Executive Committee, except as provided in the powers of the Reservation Business Committee.
- Except for those powers hereinafter granted to the Reservation Business Committees, the Tribal Executive Committee shall be authorized to manage, lease, permit, or otherwise deal with tribal lands, interests in lands or other tribal assets; to engage in any business that will further the economic well being of members of the Tribe; to borrow money from the Federal Government or other sources and to direct the use of such funds for productive purposes, or to loan the money thus borrowed to Business Committees of the Reservations and to pledge or assign chattel or income, due or to become due, subject only to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior or his authorized representative, when required by Federal law or regulations.
- The Tribal Executive Committee may by ordinance, subject to the review of the Secretary of the Interior, levy licenses or fees on non-members or non-tribal organizations doing business on two or more Reservations.
- To recognize any community organizations, associations or committees open to members of the several Reservations and to approve such organizations, subject to the provision that no such organizations, associations, or committees may assume any authority granted to the Tribal Executive Committee or to the Reservation Business Committees.
- To delegate to committees, officers, employees or cooperative associations any of the foregoing authorities, reserving the right to review any action taken by virtue of such delegated authorities.
Article VI – Authorities of the Reservation Business Committees
Section 1. Each of the Reservation Business Committees shall, in accordance with applicable laws or regulations of the Department of the Interior, have the following powers:
- To advise with the Secretary of the Interior with regard to all appropriation estimates on Federal projects for the benefit of its Reservation.
- To administer any funds within the control of the Reservation; to make expenditures from Reservation funds for salaries, expenses of Reservation officials, employment or other Reservation purposes. All expenditures of Reservations funds under the control of the Reservation Business Committees shall be in accordance with a budget, duly approved by resolution in legal session, and the amounts so expended shall be a matter of public record at all reasonable times. The Business Committees shall prepare annual budgets requesting advancements to the control of the Reservation of tribal funds under the control of the Tribal Executive Committee.
- To consult, negotiate and contract and conclude agreements on behalf of its respective Reservation with Federal, State and local governments or private persons or organizations on all matters within the power of the Reservation Business Committee, provided that no such agreements or contracts shall directly affect any other Reservation or the Tribal Executive Committee without their consent. The Business Committees shall be authorized to manage, lease, permit or otherwise deal with tribal lands, interests in lands or other tribal assets, when authorized to do so by the Tribal Executive Committee but no such authorization shall be necessary in the case of lands or assets owned exclusively by the Reservation. To engage in any business that will further the economic well being of members of the Reservation; to borrow money from the Federal Government or other sources and to direct the use of such funds for productive purposes or to loan the money thus borrowed to members of the Reservation and to pledge or assign Reservation chattel or income due or to become due, subject only to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior or his authorized representative when required by Federal law and regulations. The Reservation Business Committee may also, with the consent of the Tribal Executive Committee, pledge or assign tribal chattel or income.
- The Reservation Business Committee may by ordinance, subject to the review of the Secretary of the Interior, levy licenses or fees on non-members or non-tribal organizations doing business solely within their respective Reservations. A Reservation Business Committee may recognize any community organization, association or committee open to members of the Reservation or located within the Reservation and approve such organization, subject to the provision that no such organization, association or committee may assume any authority granted to the Reservation Business Committee or to the Tribal Executive Committee.
- To delegate to committees, officers, employees or cooperative associations any of the foregoing authorities, reserving the right to review any action taken by virtue of such delegated authorities.
- The powers heretofore granted to the bands by the charters issued by the Tribal Executive Committee are hereby superceded by this Article and said charters will no longer be recognized for any purposes.
Article VII – Duration of Tribal Constitution
Section 1. The period of duration of this tribal constitution shall be perpetual or until revoked by lawful means as provided in the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984), as amended.
Article VIII – Majority Vote
Section 1. At all elections held under this constitution, the majority of eligible votes cast shall rule, unless otherwise provided by an Act of Congress.
Article IX – Bonding of Tribal Officials
Section 1. The Tribal Executive Committee and the Reservation Business Committees, respectively, shall require all persons, charged by the Tribe or Reservation with responsibility for the custody of any of its funds or property, to give bond for the faithful performance of his official duties. Such bond shall be furnished by a responsible bonding company and shall be acceptable to the beneficiary thereof and the Secretary of the Interior or his authorized representative, and the cost thereof shall be paid by the beneficiary.
Article X – Vacancies and Removal
Section 1. Any vacancy in the Tribal Executive Committee shall be filled by the Indians from the Reservation on which the vacancy occurs by election under rules prescribed by the Tribal Executive Committee. During the interim, the Reservation Business Committee shall be empowered to select a temporary Tribal Executive Committee member to represent the Reservation until such time as the election herein provided for has been held and the successful candidate elected and seated.
Sec. 2. The Reservation Business Committee by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of its members shall remove any officer or member of the Committee for the following causes:
- Malfeasance in the handling of tribal affairs.
- Dereliction or neglect of duty.
- Unexcused failure to attend two regular meetings in succession.
- Conviction of a felony in any county, State or Federal court while serving on the Reservation Business Committee.
- Refusal to comply with any provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Tribe. The removal shall be in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 3 of this Article.
Sec. 3. Any member of the Reservation from which the Reservation Business Committee member is elected may prefer charges by written notice supported by the signatures of no less than 20 percent of the resident eligible voters of said Reservation, stating any of the causes for removal set forth in Section 2 of this Article, against any member or members of the respective Reservation Business Committee. The notice must be submitted to the Business Committee. The Reservation Business Committee shall consider such notice and take the following action:
- The Reservation Business Committee within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the notice or charges shall in writing notify the accused of the charges brought against him and set a date for a hearing. If the Reservation Business Committee deems the accused has failed to answer charges to its satisfaction or fails to appear at the appointed time, the Reservation Business Committee may remove as provided in Section 2 or it may schedule a recall election which shall be held within thirty (30) days after the date set for the hearing. In either event, the action of the Reservation Business Committee or the outcome of the recall election shall be final.
- All such hearings of the Reservation Business Committee shall be held in accordance with the provisions of this Article and shall be open to the members of the Reservation. Notices of such hearings shall be duly posted at least five (5) days prior to the hearing.
- The accused shall be given opportunity to call witnesses and present evidence in his behalf.
Sec. 4. When the Tribal Executive Committee finds any of its members guilty of any of the causes for removal from office as listed in Section 2 of this Article, it shall in writing censor the Tribal Executive Committee member. The Tribal Executive Committee shall present its written censure to the Reservation Business Committee from which the Tribal Executive Committee member is elected. The Reservation Business Committee shall thereupon consider such censure in the manner prescribed in Section 3 of this Article.
Sec. 5. In the event the Reservation Business Committee fails to act as provided in Sections 3 and 4 of this Article, the Reservation membership may, by petition supported by the signatures of no less than 20 percent of the eligible resident voters, appeal to the Secretary of the Interior. If the Secretary deems the charges substantial, he shall call an election for the purpose of placing the matter before the Reservation electorate for their final decision.
Article XI – Ratification
Section 1. This constitution and the bylaws shall not become operative until ratified at a special election by a majority vote of the adult members of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, voting at a special election called by the Secretary of the Interior, provided that at least 30 percent of those entitled to vote shall vote, and until it has been approved by the Secretary of the Interior.
Article XII – Amendment
Section 1. This constitution may be revoked by Act of Congress or amended or revoked by a majority vote of the qualified voters of the Tribe voting at an election called for that purpose by the Secretary of the Interior if at least 30 percent of those entitled to vote shall vote. No amendment shall be effective until approved by the Secretary of the Interior. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to call an election when requested by two-thirds of the Tribal Executive Committee.
Article XIII – Rights of Members
All members of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe shall be accorded by the governing body equal rights, equal protection, and equal opportunities to participate in the economic resources and activities of the Tribe, and no member shall be denied any of the constitutional rights or guarantees enjoyed by other citizens of the United States, including but not limited to freedom of religion and conscience, freedom of speech, the right to orderly association or assembly, the right to petition for action or the redress of grievances, and due process of law.
Article XIV – Referendum
Section 1. The Tribal Executive Committee, upon receipt of a petition signed by 20 percent of the resident voters of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, or by an affirmative vote of eight (8) members of the Tribal Executive Committee, shall submit any enacted or proposed resolution or ordinance of the Tribal Executive Committee to a referendum of the eligible voters of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. The majority of the votes cast in such referendum shall be conclusive and binding on the Tribal Executive Committee. The Tribal Executive Committee shall call such referendum and prescribe the manner of conducting the vote.
Sec. 2. The Reservation Business Committee, upon receipt of a petition signed by 20 percent of the resident voters of the Reservation, or by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Reservation Business Committee, shall submit any enacted or proposed resolution or ordinance of the Reservation Business Committee to a referendum of the eligible voters of the Reservation. The majority of the votes cast in such referendum shall be conclusive and binding on the Reservation Business Committee. The Reservation Business Committee shall call such referendum and prescribe the manner of conducting the vote.
Article XV – Manner of Review
Section 1. Any resolution or ordinance enacted by the Tribal Executive Committee, which by the terms of this Constitution and Bylaws is subject to review by the Secretary of the Interior, or his authorized representative, shall be presented to the Superintendent or officer in charge of the Reservation who shall within ten (10) days after its receipt by him approve or disapprove the resolution or ordinance. If the Superintendent or officer in charge shall approve any ordinance or resolution it shall thereupon become effective, but the Superintendent or officer in charge shall transmit a copy of the same, bearing his endorsement, to the Secretary of the Interior, who may within ninety (90) days from the date of approval, rescind the ordinance or resolution for any cause by notifying the Tribal Executive Committee. If the Superintendent or officer in charge shall refuse to approve any resolution or ordinance subject to review within ten (10) days after its receipt by him he shall advise the Tribal Executive Committee of his reasons therefor in writing. If these reasons are deemed by the Tribal Executive Committee to be insufficient, it may, by a majority vote, refer the ordinance or resolution to the Secretary of the Interior, who may, within ninety (90) days from the date of its referral, approve or reject the same in writing, whereupon the said ordinance or resolution shall be in effect or rejected accordingly.
Sec. 2. Any resolution or ordinance enacted by the Reservation Business Committee, which by the terms of this Constitution and Bylaws is subjected to review by the Secretary of the Interior or his authorized representative, shall be governed by the procedures set forth in Section 1 of this Article.
Sec. 3. Any resolution or ordinance enacted by the Reservation Business Committee, which by the terms of this Constitution and Bylaws is subject to approval by the Tribal Executive Committee, shall within ten (10) days of its enactment be presented to the Tribal Executive Committee. The Tribal Executive Committee shall at its next regular or special meeting, approve or disapprove such resolution or ordinance. Upon approval or disapproval by the Tribal Executive Committee of any resolution or ordinance submitted by a Reservation Business Committee, it shall advise the Reservation Business Committee within ten (10) days, in writing, of the action taken. In the event of disapproval the Tribal Executive Committee shall advise the Reservation Business Committee, at that time, of its reasons therefore.
- As amended per Amendment I, approved by the Secretary of the Interior on November 6, 1972.
- As amended per Amendment III, approved by the Secretary of the Interior on January 5, 2006.
- As amended per Amendment II, approved by the Secretary of the Interior on November 6, 1972.
- As amended per Amendment IV, approved by the Secretary of the Interior on January 5, 2006.
Certification of Adoption
Pursuant to an order approved September 12, 1963, by the Assistant Secretary of the Interior, the Revised Constitution and Bylaws of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe was submitted for ratification to the qualified voters of the reservations, and was on November 23, 1963, duly adopted by a vote of 1,761 for and 1,295 against, in an election in which at least 30 percent of those entitled to vote cast their ballots in accordance with Section 16 of the Indian Reorganization Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984), as amended by the Act of June 15, 1935 (49 Stat. 378).
(sgd) Allen Wilson, President Tribal Executive Committee
(sgd) Peter DuFault, Secretary Tribal Executive Committee
(sgd) H.P. Mittelholtz, Superintendent Minnesota Agency
I, John A. Carver, Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Interior of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority granted me by the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984), as amended, do hereby approved the attached Revised Constitution and Bylaws of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota. John A. Carver, Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Interior Washington, D.C. (SEAL) Date: March 3, 1964