Election Information
How to Vote
Voting in Minnesota Chippewa Tribe elections is straightforward. Here’s what you need to know:
In-Person Voting:
If you wish to vote in person, visit your designated polling location on Election Day. Bring a valid ID with you. You do not need to register in advance—poll workers will verify your eligibility by checking your information in the voter database.
Mail-In Voting:
If you live off-reservation or cannot vote in person, you can vote by mail. Follow the instructions on your mail-in ballot to ensure your vote is counted.
If you have questions about voting or election results, please contact the MCT Executive Director at 218-335-8581.
Upcoming Elections
Elections for the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe are held every two years. Council positions have four-year terms, with staggered elections to ensure continuity in leadership.
Primary Election: Held in April | General Election: Held in June
Election Calendar
Election Ordinance
Election Results
Election results from all MCT Bands from as far back as 2005 can be accessed through our document library.