Election Information

How to Vote

Voting in Minnesota Chippewa Tribe elections is straightforward. Here’s what you need to know:

In-Person Voting:

If you wish to vote in person, visit your designated polling location on Election Day. Bring a valid ID with you. You do not need to register in advance—poll workers will verify your eligibility by checking your information in the voter database.

Mail-In Voting:

If you live off-reservation or cannot vote in person, you can vote by mail. Follow the instructions on your mail-in ballot to ensure your vote is counted.


If you have questions about voting or election results, please contact the MCT Executive Director at 218-335-8581.

Upcoming Elections

Elections for the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe are held every two years. Council positions have four-year terms, with staggered elections to ensure continuity in leadership.

Primary Election: Held in April | General Election: Held in June

Election Calendar

For details on this year’s election schedule, check out the latest calendar.

Election Ordinance

The election ordinance is reviewed every two years, and updates are made based on decisions from tribal leadership.

Election Results

Election results from all MCT Bands from as far back as 2005 can be accessed through our document library.