Mission Statement
The Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, comprised of the Bois Forte, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Leech Lake, Mille Lacs, and White Earth reservations, is a federally recognized tribal government that, through unified leadership, promotes and protects the member Bands while providing quality services and technical assistance to the reservation governments and tribal people. See our Strategic Plan for 2025-2027.
Who We Are
The Preamble to the Constitution of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe sets forth the purposes, aspirations, and goals of the union of the six member reservations. The Preamble states that the six member reservations of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe come together, “in order to form a representative Chippewa Tribal organization, maintain and establish justice for our Tribe and to conserve and develop our Tribal resources and common property; and to promote the general welfare of ourselves and descendants.” It is toward these ideals that the Tribe continually strives, and it is for these reasons that the Tribe exists. Tribal political action and the administration of programs and services are intended to help meet these goals. Four divisions work to ensure that programs operated by the Tribe are effective and efficient in the delivery of services to our membership. Tribal divisions include Administration, Education, Finance, and Human Services.
We are proud to have this opportunity to share information about the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe with our members and with other interested parties.
Executive Direction
Executive Direction is provided by the office of the Executive Director, who is the chief administrator for the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. The Executive Director is responsible for the daily operation of all tribal affairs, including intergovernmental relations, the performance of staff, and the achievement of goals by programs administered by the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. The Executive Director assists Tribal leadership by identifying and developing policy objectives and then by implementing policy once it is adopted by the Tribal Executive Committee. The Executive Director has also been delegated broad administrative powers and is accountable to the Tribal Executive Committee for the daily operation of all tribal programs and services. The Executive Director reports to the President of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe.
Our Member Reservations
Org Chart

MCT Trust Lands and Resources
Use the double arrow on the upper left of the map to expand the Legend for additional layers.